Magick Street


I had a lot of fun creating the story line of Percutio and Maharet, the occupants of the Glencroft and the Orchid.  But even without the story line, I loved putting these two houses together into a street arrangement.  One wouldn't think that a Tudor and a Victorian would harmonize this well, but these two houses really love being together.  They dwelled happily in this little street for several years until one day Maharet decided that she needed a larger house and moved into the Pierce.  Now Magick Street consists of the Pierce, the Glencroft, and Wise Ways Emporium (a Brimbles) but I love this original street so much I decided to leave the pictures on my website.







I think this is my favorite view.........the cemetery between the two houses.  Isn't it romantic in the sunset with the flickering of the street lamp just coming on?


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